Baked Brie En Croute

I discovered this super easy and seriously impressive recipe during the holiday season, and I’ve been searching for ways to make it again ever since. Since the Superbowl is all about food anyway, I figure why not Baked Brie En Croute? Enjoy!

Baked Brie En Croute
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Crusty, flakey, buttery exterior covering melted brie with fig preserves, served on crostini. Favorite appetizer to make and take to... anything!
Baked Brie En Croute
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Crusty, flakey, buttery exterior covering melted brie with fig preserves, served on crostini. Favorite appetizer to make and take to... anything!
  1. Cut French baguette into slices, drizzle with olive oil and salt, bake 350 degrees approximately 10 minutes, until crostinis are lightly browned. Set aside. Cut off top rind of cheese. Place cheese, rindless side up on puff pastry. Pour fig preserves over the top of brie until well covered.
  2. Heat the oven to 400 degrees. Lay out pastry dough on parchment paper lined sheet pan with a lip. (preserves may leak out)
  3. Fold opposite sides of pastry dough over cheese, wiping with egg wash (beaten egg) every time puff pastry touches itself.
  4. Continue process until cheese is entirely covered with puff pastry. Brush entire top of puff pastry with egg wash.
  5. Bake approximately 20-30 minutes, until puff pastry is browned.
  6. Serve warm, on crostinis.
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