Apple Mint Jelly

Made in a pinch

“Apples are in abundance this time of year! This apple mint jelly has a touch of sweet, tart, and delicious mint. If you’re looking for a new delicious recipe using apples, you are going to love this Apple Mint Jelly!"


– apples – granulated sugar – water – mint leaves



1. Place your jar and lids in a canning pot with a rack in the bottom. If you don't have a canning pot, you can turn a round cake pan or tart pan upside down in the bottom of the pot. It is important to have something for the jars to sit on so they don't get too hot on the bottom and burst.

Sterilizing Jars:

2. Cover the jars with hot water, allowing the jars to fill with the water. Water should come to about 1 inch over the top of the jars.

Sterilizing Jars:

3. Place the lid on the pot and bring to a simmer leaving on the heat for 10 minutes.

Sterilizing Jars:

4. Remove the jars making sure the water is drained out of them. Ideally, you want to time this so you are removing the jars from the pot about the same time as the jelly is ready to pour into the jars so that the jars will still be hot. Otherwise, the hot jelly could cause the jars to break if they are too cold.

Sterilizing Jars:

1. Remove any stems or leaves from the apples. Leave the core, peel and seeds intact. Cut the apples into small chunks. Place the apples, water, and mint into a large pot. Bring mixture to a boil, then lower heat, cover and simmer for 10-minutes. Crush mixture with a potato masher or similar item, then recover and simmer for an additional 5-minutes.

Jelly Instructions:

2. Pour mixture through a cheesecloth-lined bowl or pour into a strainer with a bowl under it. Allow to sit and drain for several hours, then squeeze the mixture in the strainer with your hands to get any remaining juice out.

Jelly Instructions:

3. Measure 6 cups of juice, adding a small amount of water if necessary. Add this juice, 1/4 cup of sugar, and pectin into a large pot. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add the remaining sugar and return to a boil, then boil for one minute, continuing to stir. Spoon off any foam from the top of the mixture.

Jelly Instructions:

4. Ladle into prepared jars, leaving approximately ¼-inch head space. Clean any drippage from rims of the jars. Place lid discs and rings onto jars and hand tighten.

Jelly Instructions:

5. Lower jars into the large pot of hot water, making sure water covers to about an inch over the tops of the jars. (can use the water and pot from sterilizing jars, just add extra water as needed.) Cover pot with the lid and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-minutes. Remove jars to a rack or countertop to cool for 24 hours.

Jelly Instructions:

Visit Made in A Pinch for more notes and tips for making the BEST Apple Mint Jelly!


Scribbled Arrow



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