Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Our scrumptious Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake has a layer of cream cheese filling and a sweet, crunchy streusel topping. It’s perfect served for breakfast or brunch with a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate!).

apple cream cheese coffee cake long pin

Are you someone who eats breakfast in the morning? Do you like coffee? Why am I asking???

When people think of coffee cake they think of breakfast. And the name of the recipe may imply that it has coffee in it. Would you agree?

I love breakfast food but not necessarily in the morning (I’m weird – I don’t like to eat a lot in the morning). And I don’t like coffee either! Can anyone else relate? It’s ok…I’m usually pretty alone on the “not liking coffee” front.🤷

Well, there are a few reasons why this recipe is a win-win for absolutely everyone…

Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake is perfect for a real breakfast lover, for brunch, or even as breakfast for dinner. Actually, it can also be a great dessert choice as well (my personal fav!)

It’s PERFECT for apple season in the fall (but you could make it ANY TIME of the year!)

And you don’t have to serve it with coffee (nor is coffee IN it). I personally love it with some hot chocolate or hot tea!

My family has definitely added this coffee cake recipe to our “breakfast for dinner” menu. 🙂

If you want more delectable apple recipes, try my Indulgent Healthy Apple Crisp, Apple Nachos, or Caramel Apple Wrap (TikTok Tortilla Wrap Hack).

Ingredients Needed For Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Here’s everything you’ll need to make this scrumptious recipe. NOTE: It’s super easy to make – easier than it looks!

If you want the complete recipe, please check out the handy printable recipe card at the end of the post!

Cake Mix

  • Butter – helps create air pockets in cake making the cake tender
  • Light Brown Sugar – the light brown sugar will result in a lighter colored cake than if you use a darker variety
  • Egg – creates structure and stability in your batter
  • Sour Cream – adds a moistness and tenderness to the cake
  • Vanilla – enhances the flavor of your cake, but don’t leave it out as it will make your cake more blandFlour
  • Cinnamon
  • Baking Soda – helps make your cake more light and fluffy
  • Salt – balances the sweetness of the cake
  • Green Apples – an excellent of source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K

Cream Cheese Filling

  • Cream Cheese – decadent, creamy, delicious. Who doesn’t love cream cheese!?!? yum
  • Sugar
  • Vanilla

Streusel Topping

  • No Salt Butter – the use of unsalted butter simply ensures that you can control the amount of salt in your recipe
  • Flour
  • Rolled Oats – streusel topping is less dense and generally includes oats
  • Baking Powder – helps the streusel topping to rise and fluff up
  • Light Brown Sugar
  • Cinnamon
  • Pecans – substitute pecans for walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios or brazil nuts

How to Make Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Skip going to the store for coffee cake that tastes half as good and is filled with crappy ingredients! Just follow these instructions to make your own!

Preheat The Oven

Begin by pre-heating the oven to 350 degrees and prepare an 8×8 inch pan with non-stick spray.

Create The Cream Cheese Mixture

Using a hand mixer, combine all cream cheese filling ingredients in a small bowl. Set aside.

Mix The Streusel Topping

In a medium bowl, use a fork to mix together the streusel topping ingredients. Set aside.

Make The Cake Mix

In a large bowl, use a hand mixer to cream butter and brown sugar for the cake mix.

Add egg, sour cream, and vanilla to the butter and brown sugar. Mix until well combined.

Stir in flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt.

Gently fold in the diced apples.

Layer Your Cake In Your Pan

Pour batter evenly into the baking dish.

Layer cream cheese filling on top of cake mixture.

Sprinkle streusel topping on top of cream cheese filling layer.


Bake for 35 – 40 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes.

Serve and ENJOY!!!

Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake Recipe Notes And Tips

  • Granny Smith, Ginger Gold or Crispin are all varieties of green apples. Granny Smith is the most commonly known and used and probably the easiest to find.
  • Cake flour could be used in place of regular flour. It will help create a lighter, fluffier cake.
  • If you forget to set out the cream cheese so that it is room temperature, simply place it on a microwaveable bowl or plate and microwave in 15 second intervals until it is the right texture.
  • Mascarpone cheese can be used in place of cream cheese. It is a little softer and richer and can be used in a lot of the same things as cream cheese.

Variations To Try

  • Add some chopped pecans, almonds or walnuts to the streusel topping for some crunch and delicious nutty flavor.
  • Lightly drizzle some caramel on the top of the coffee cake before serving. If you love caramel as much as I do, you might want to put more than a little on top. 😂
  • Coconut would be a yummy addition to the streusel. Add as little or as much as you desire.


How will I know when my Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake is done?

The cake will feel springy when you press gently in the middle. You can also insert a toothpick in the middle making sure it comes out clean.

If the crumble on the top starts to get a little too brown before the cake is done, you can make a tent with aluminum foil and place it loosely on the top.

Does my Apple Coffee Cake need to be refrigerated?

Yes, you do need to keep this Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake refrigerated. You should store the cake in an air-tight container for up to 4 – 5 days in the fridge.

Can I freeze the Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake?

This coffee cake will freeze nicely. You can freeze it for up to 5 weeks in a freezer-safe, air-tight container.

Is coffee an ingredient in this Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake?

Nope! The name actually comes from the fact that it is generally served with coffee – not that coffee is one of the ingredients. A coffee cake can have coffee in it but more often than not there is none.

More Mouthwatering Desserts To Try

If you love this Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake, you’ll love these other ideas too!

apple cream cheese coffee cake

Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Yield: 9 servings

Our scrumptious Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake has a layer of cream cheese filling and a sweet, crunchy streusel topping. It's perfect served for breakfast or brunch with a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate!).


  • 1/4 cup butter, room temperature
  • 3/4 cup light brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • Dash of salt
  • 1 1/2 cup green apples, peeled and diced

Cream Cheese Filling

  • 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3 tbsp sugar

Streusel Topping

  • 1/4 cup no salt butter, cold and diced
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 cup light brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup pecans, finely chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spray an 8x8 inch pan with non-stick spray.
  3. Using a hand mixer, combine cream cheese filling ingredients. Set aside.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix together streusel topping ingredients together with a fork. Set aside.
  5. In a large bowl, use a hand mixer to cream butter and brown sugar to start the cake mixture.
  6. Add egg, sour cream and vanilla until well combined.
  7. Stir in flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt.
  8. Fold in apples.
  9. Pour cake mixture into baking dish.
  10. Layer on the cream cheese filling.
  11. Sprinkle on streusel topping.
  12. Bake for 35 - 40 minutes.
  13. Let cool for 10 minutes.
  14. Serve and ENJOY!!!

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