144 Fun Things To Do During Summer Vacation For Kids

Grab our massive summer bucket list for kids to help you enjoy an epic summer. For more helpful tips and easy recipes follow us on Pinterest!
Grab our massive summer bucket list for kids to help you enjoy an epic summer. For more helpful tips and easy recipes follow us on Pinterest!

With summer break coming quickly, my kids can’t wait to check all of these fun summer activities off of their list this year! Here is a list of 144 fun (and mostly cheap) things to do with your kids over the summer vacation!

Are you the kind of mom who is just as excited as the kids, and can’t wait for less structured days at home with your kiddos?

Or are you the mom who is worrying about how you could possibly keep the little ones busy all day, every day?

Whichever camp you fall into, we all have the same goal in mind: to fill our days with fun and memorable summer activities (and keep the squabbles to a minimum)!

Grab our massive list of fun things to do during summer vacation for kids to help you enjoy an epic summer. For more helpful tips and easy recipes follow us on Pinterest!

The dreaded words “I’m Bored!”

I can’t think of one mom who doesn’t dread the words “I’m Bored!” on some level.

Grab this free list of 30 kid-favorite outdoor activities.

It’s amazing how much (or how little) you can accomplish and experience during the summer when you put your mind to it.

It’s easy to fall into a routine of lazy mornings followed by afternoons filled with squabbling kids. Oh boy do I hate that cycle!

I have found the best fit for us is to stay active for the most part and sprinkle in some down time here and there.

And it definitely helps to develop a schedule!

But when I don’t keep my boys busy, I hear a whole lot more “I’m Bored!” followed by a whole lot more screaming and fighting.

Keep Them Focused with Fun Summer Activities

For me, in order to be anywhere near organized or successful with any plan, I need to have a little structure in place.

That can be as much as a full schedule or as little as a list of ideas.

One of my brilliant helpful methods for a summer schedule is to create a list of summer activity ideas so that when we are looking for something to do we can pull out the list and pick an activity.

How to Use the Summer Activities Bucket List

This huge list of fun things to do during the summer also acts as a summer activity bucket list. It becomes a challenge for us to accomplish all the activities (or as many as possible) during the summer.

Using the list as a challenge helps us stay busy, focused, and creates memories for a lifetime.

If you have childcare help during the day (like a nanny or babysitter), share the list with them and ask them to do stuff on the list too!

We usually do 1-2 activities a day – nothing too crazy. And before you know it, the summer is over and the list is complete!

Ultimate Summer Activities Bucket List

This massive list of ideas for summer activities will help keep the kids from getting bored this summer and create memories that they’ll have for a lifetime, not to mention on that first day of school when the teacher asks “What did you do this summer?”

  1. Catch Bugs
  2. Plant a garden
  3. Draw with sidewalk chalk
  4. Look at the stars
  5. Lay in a hammock
  6. Make Root Beer Floats
  7. Play in a sprinkler
  8. Jump on a trampoline
  9. Put the sprinkler under the trampoline (or water balloons) and jump
  10. Play hopscotch
  11. Fly kites
  12. Dance in the rain
  13. Jump in puddles
  14. Plant flowers
  15. Have a picnic
  16. Play Bingo
  17. Bury your toes in the sand
  18. Go camping
  19. Bury a time capsule
  20. Go swimming
  21. Make music
  22. Ride bumper boats
  23. Roast marshmallows
  24. Go fishing
  25. Ride a bike
  26. Watch a Thunderstorm
  27. Write in a journal
  28. Have a watermelon seed spitting contest
  29. Climb a tree
  30. Help cook dinner
  31. Play Twister
  32. Visit a museum
  33. Ride bumper cars
  34. Ride on a carousel
  35. Start a collection of your favorite items (rocks, coins, cards, etc)
  36. Go to a baseball game
  37. Go on a nature walk
  38. Watch the clouds and pick out shapes
  39. Read a book outside
  40. Have a water gun fight Grab our massive list of fun things to do during summer vacation for kids to help you enjoy an epic summer. For more helpful tips and easy recipes follow us on Pinterest!
  41. Write a story and illustrate it
  42. Make ice cream or popsicles
  43. Go to the zoo
  44. Ride go-karts
  45. Do a science project
  46. Play in the dirt
  47. Play flashlight tag
  48. Make mud pies
  49. Play frisbee
  50. Make s’mores
  51. Go on a treasure hunt
  52. Have a water balloon fight (these are the BEST & FASTEST to fill!)
  53. Blow bubbles
  54. Stay up super late
  55. Make wishes on Dandelions
  56. Play catch
  57. Visit a National Park with a hired car from Rental24.co.uk
  58. Go for a walk
  59. Make homemade playdough
  60. Watch fireflies
  61. Have a pillow fight
  62. Paint rocks
  63. Visit a water park or splash park
  64. Play on a Slip-n-slide
  65. Go bowling
  66. Check out books at the library
  67. Pick flowers
  68. Get a temporary tattoo
  69. Jump rope
  70. Go to the movies
  71. Visit a botanical garden
  72. Learn to play chess
  73. Go to a garage sale
  74. Go to a Farmer’s Market
  75. Make Tie-Dye Shirts
  76. Play Marco Polo
  77. Host a lemonade stand
  78. Do a random act of kindness
  79. Play tug of war
  80. Do summer crafts
  81. Go to a Drive-in Movie Theater
  82. Go to an outdoor concert
  83. Do a puzzle
  84. Play at the Park with Friends
  85. Read at least 10 books
  86. Watch Fireworks
  87. Listen to a (new) podcast (Here are the best podcasts for kids!)
  88. Play kickball  Grab our massive list of fun things to do during summer vacation for kids to help you enjoy an epic summer. For more helpful tips and easy recipes follow us on Pinterest!
  89. Watch a sunset
  90. Learn origami
  91. Make homemade pizza
  92. Camp out indoors
  93. Play hide and seek
  94. Have a sleepover
  95. Make homemade slime
  96. Eat a snow cone
  97. Practice skipping stones
  98. Play Dodge Ball
  99. Nature scavenger hunt
  100. Visit a planetarium
  101. Make a bird feeder
  102. Make hummingbird food
  103. Go to a fair
  104. Make fresh lemonade
  105. Make a fort
  106. Play badminton
  107. Go hiking
  108. Play Mini golf
  109. Family game night
  110. Go on a road trip
  111. Play on monkey bars
  112. Bake cookies
  113. Chase butterflies
  114. Hula hoop
  115. Make handprint art
  116. Make Alcohol Ink Tile art
  117. Play freeze tag
  118. Play “Mother May I”?
  119. Play Red Light Green Light
  120. Go to a beach
  121. Collect seashells
  122. Build a sand castle  Grab our massive list of fun things to do during summer vacation for kids to help you enjoy an epic summer. For more helpful tips and easy recipes follow us on Pinterest!
  123. Visit a waterfall
  124. Have a puppet show
  125. Go tubing in a creek or river
  126. Visit grandparents
  127. Play Jacks
  128. Feed ducks
  129. Bean Bag Toss
  130. Have a puppet show
  131. Go geocaching
  132. Pick berries at a local farm
  133. Spend the day (or the afternoon) at the pool
  134. Make puffy paint shirts or canvas bags (to hold library books)
  135. Watercolor painting on a canvas
  136. Make (and eat) frozen grapes
  137. Do a (or multiple) STEM activity
  138. Make moon sand
  139. Ride a scooter
  140. Make goop
  141. Swing on a tire (or tree) swing
  142. Ride a skate board
  143. Storytime at the local library
  144. Go to a parade

Well, there it is! 144 fun things to do to keep you your kids busy all summer long.

I hope you have a blast making memories together!

Tell us in the comments: are there any of these activities you’ve never done before?

Use this massive list of fun things to do with kids in the summer to help you enjoy an epic summer vacation making amazing lifetime memories with your kids!

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