17 Laugh-Out-Loud Mom Podcast Options That Every Mom Needs

There are dozens of podcasts out there claiming to be the best podcasts for moms, and to be honest, each has their great qualities. But to be a funny mom podcast takes a special touch – and holds a special place in the hearts of moms everywhere. Here is the list of the best (funny) mom podcasts! 


Podcasts are an awesome form of free entertainment, and for moms, they can be a lifeline!

My favorite time to listen to a podcast in on my way to or from work or while I’m exercising or doing something mindless like folding laundry. It helps pass the time while also being entertaining – and if you choose right, funny too.

At this point, the number of podcasts out there might outnumber the available offerings on Netflix. There is literally something (or a lot of somethings) for everyone.

So what are the top podcasts for moms? I set about searching for (and listening to) hours of podcasts for moms to provide you with a list of the best (and funniest) available.

Grab your free secrets to getting more done even with the kids at home.

Related Post: 28 Best Podcasts for Kids that Parents Will Love Too

woman sitting on a couch listening to headphones and laughing

What Are Podcasts and How Do You Listen to Them?

You could think of podcasts as a shortened version of audiobooks or “fireside chats” or simply entertaining radio shows in your earholes. Plus, they are generally short (10-20 mins per episode), so they are perfect to listen to while folding laundry, enjoying a glass of wine, on the treadmill or driving in the car.

Simply search for and download an app onto any device that plays podcasts. Some great examples include:


Top Mom Podcast Options For Any Mom

Whether you’re on the treadmill, loading up the dishwasher or just trying to enjoy a few minutes to yourself — perhaps while taking a relaxing bath — listening to one of the best mom podcasts from this list can 100% make any day a little better.

Not all podcasts for moms are created equal – let’s just get that on the table right now. Some are boring. Others are lower budget but will make you pee your pants laughing.

And the topic options are endless from Star Trek to raising kids to starting a business. Be sure to preview them before letting them play out loud with kids around.

Here are some of the best mom podcasts available. Go ahead, fire up iTunes and hit subscribe – like yesterday.

woman sitting on couch with headphones listening to podcast

1. Your Parenting Mojo

Host Jen Lumanlan presents “research-based ideas to help kids thrive” in each episode. As mom herself, Jen fully admits her own lack of parenting instincts, but makes “up for it with outstanding research skills.”

Show topics cover the gamut of interesting, nerdy topics, meaning there’s a lot to enjoy for research-loving parents. Listen here.

Parenting Mojo icon

2. The Longest Shortest Time

A self-described “parenting show for everyone,” journalist and host Hillary Frank shares hilarious stories about the surprises and absurdities of raising children. This is a show is so great that even women without kids love it.

These episodes tend to run about 30-45 minutes and won the 2018 Webby Award for Best Kids & Family Podcast. This mom podcast is a must-listen.  Listen here.

The Longest Shortest Time icon

3. Spawned

Liz Gumbinner and Kristen Chase of Cool Mom Picks host this podcast to give moms a fast-paced, entertaining dive into the parenting topics du jour.  Look for episodes on topics such as how to connect with your kids, how to be a tech-positive parent, how to prioritize the things we love and more.

Liz and Kristen offer a ton of practical, actionable tips for moms of all types. It’s humorous, candid and helpful. What more could you want from a momcast? Listen here.

Spawned icon

4. Anna Faris Is Unqualified

Celeb mom Anna Faris gets honest about the reality of parenting and “Not-so-great-relationship advice from completely unqualified Hollywood types.” Each episode includes talking to fellow celebs about parenting, marriage and more.

It’s very real – and VERY funny. Listen here.

Anna Faris is Unqualified icon

5. Coffee + Crumbs

First came the Coffee + Crumbs blog, a site with real, vulnerable essays about motherhood. The site was so successful, that the creators decided to take it to a podcast.  

The hosts of this mom podcast take on all sorts of super relatable topics. Listen here. 

Coffee and Crumbs icon

6. Big Little Choices

Sometimes moms just long to feel understood. And who can understand a mom better than another mom? Sri Bodanapu is a fellow mom who just happens to host this judgment-free podcast.

Each episode takes the listener on the journey of one mother’s story of struggle with a parenting situation and how she resolved it to help her family. Listen here.

Big Little Choices icon

7. The Mighty Mommy’s Quick and Dirty Tips

As a mom of 8, Cheryl Butler has seen it all. She has struggled through adoption, adoption, and given birth (and that’s not even the half of it), and she shares parenting tips to make family life easier and a lot more fun. 

The episodes are short – only about 12 to 15 minutes long so they’re perfect for moms who often don’t have a lot of time to listen. With over 500 episodes to date, you can find the ones that interest you. Listen Here.

Mighty Mommy Podcast icon

8. The Mom Hour

Co-hosts Meagan Francis and Sarah Powers are super relatable women who have eight kids between them, ranging from preschoolers to teens. These ladies deliver helpful parenting tips and recommendations with a dose of silliness.

Pull up a chair and join these friends. Listen here. 

Mom Hour podcast icon

9. Slate’s Mom and Dad Are Fighting

This parenting podcast has a great mix of hosts, which alternate throughout episodes, but they usually have at least one mom and one dad. And each set of hosts has kids of varying ages from toddlers to teens.

The hosts start off with parenting wins and fails in their own lives, which is nice for creating the connection of not feeling alone in parenting problems. AND they take questions from their Facebook group and give tips and advice on how to handle issues that the audience brings up. 

Wear headphones, though, because there’s cussing on this mom podcast. Listen here.

Slate's Parents are Fighting icon

10. One Bad Mother Podcast 

There are actually two moms that host this comedy/parenting podcast. And there is swearing in this one.

This show does a terrific job of making parenting just a little bit easier. They host experts on many episodes to give advice- but the hosts Bev and Theresa offer even more.  Parenting is wonderful – but it is also challenging and frustrating at times. My favorite part of the show is sharing the fails and rants (MORE RANTS PLEASE!!).

It’s great to hear the struggles other parents feel, to know you are not the only one experiencing this crazy roller coaster called motherhood.

Overall, it’s just fun and one of my favorite podcasts for moms. Listen here.

11. What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood

This podcast takes a parenting issue and discusses it from multiple vantage points. There’s usually accompanying expert advice that may or may not back the hosts up. they talk about the issue, add a funny spin to it, and then come up with concrete solutions.

This is a seriously laugh-out-loud mom podcast that deals with today’s parenting dilemmas AND thoroughly entertains. Listen Here.

What Fresh Hell icon

12. For Crying Out Loud

Hosted by two moms who each (!!) have twins, Stefanie and Lynette will make you feel like you are hanging out with your girlfriends. Vacillating between being silly, honest, and vulnerable, they tackle their own experiences as wives and moms. Listen here.

For Crying Out Loud icon

13. Why Mommy Drinks

How many times have you found yourself in some embarrassing situation as a parent (screaming toddler in the middle of a store ring a bell?) Sometimes it feels like the day just can’t possibly get ANY longer. Comedians and Moms Betsy Stover and Amanda Allan welcome a different guest (actors, writers, musicians, and more) each week as they chat about the motherhood moments that broke them.

Enjoy heartbreakingly real – and super funny – stories of child rearing chaos in this advice-free zone. Listen here.

Why Mommy Drinks icon

14. Atomic Moms

Every mom needs a laugh, but sometimes we need a little calm voice of reason to offer super practical guidance. Ellie’s mom podcast hosts guests who are the best advisors on so many facets of life for busy parents. These conversations provide comfort and offer valuable tools for moms everywhere. Listen here.

Atomic Moms icon

15. Well, That Escalated Quickly

New to the podcast scene, Angela and CR Braniff have been married for almost 15 years and are parents to 8 kids. Yet with all that experience, they wouldn’t say they are experts on…well, any of it. They bring an authentic voice (and some fun) to large family life, raising and homeschooling kids, + so much more! Listen here.

Well that Escalated Quickly icon

16. 3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms

Rachel Nielson promises to deliver 3 very actionable takeaways in just 30 minutes with every episode, making this one of the best mom podcasts. She is genuine and knowledgeable and invites terrific guests to come help her out. Listen here.

3 in 30 podcast icon

17. The Holderness Family Podcast

Oh yes, that family that makes all the hilarious family videos now also brings you a mom podcast to enjoy as a parent. Each episode is informative, laugh-out-loud funny, and entertaining! Hearing their take on parenthood is priceless. Listen here.

The Holderness Family podcast icon

Well, I’m quickly becoming a full-blown podcast addict (especially when I need a break during social distancing). Podcasts make normally mindless & boring “mom tasks,” actually feel fun. Bonus, I get advice for moms without having to spend precious time reading one of the parenting books that may be stacked up on my bookshelf.

Related Post: 10 Sanity-Saving Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom


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  1. Oh my goodness these sound too funny! If I EVER get this homeschooling+WFH combo down for my 3 kids (the two who are learning from home, and the one who is trying to teach from home lol), then I hope I have a little more downtime to check these out!

  2. I’ve never actually stopped to listen to a podcast before but this list has me excited! I jotted down a few that peaked my interest. First on my list-> 6. Big Little Choices – you had me at judgement free! thanks for the awesome list! can’t wait to dive in

  3. I’m SO happy I stumbled across this list! I love turning on a podcast and popping in my earbuds, it’s such a nice way to relax!!

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