Easy Refreshing Strawberry Vinaigrette Recipe

Homemade strawberry vinaigrette is a delicious and refreshing dressing that adds a burst of flavor to any salad and only requires a few simple ingredients you probably already have. You’ll love how the sweet and tangy strawberries blend perfectly with the savory notes of olive oil and a dash of zesty lime in this easy strawberry vinaigrette recipe! 

strawberry vinaigrette in a clear glass jar

Strawberry vinaigrette is a delightful and unique salad dressing.

I make a few good ones (like this white balsamic vinegar dressing), but this strawberry vinaigrette recipe is my favorite homemade dressing right now!

I love the versatility that this salad dressing offers. You can drizzle it over a fresh spinach and strawberry salad, use it as a marinade for grilled chicken, or even mix it with other fruits for a unique twist.

The possibilities are endless, making this recipe a staple in my kitchen. And it IS the perfect summer salad dressing!

Not only is it tasty, but it’s also a healthier alternative to store-bought salad dressings that often contain preservatives and artificial flavors. By using fresh strawberries and simple, wholesome ingredients, you can enjoy a nutritious and flavorful dressing that elevates any dish.

How To Make Strawberry Vinaigrette Dressing

This dressing is made mainly from fresh strawberries, giving it a sweet and tangy flavor that pairs wonderfully with greens. Unlike typical creamy dressings, this one uses an oil and vinegar base.

Ingredients Needed

  • Strawberries – I prefer to use fresh berries as the star of the show, because ripe strawberries provide natural sweetness.
  • Olive Oil – Adds a rich texture.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Adds a tangy kick.
  • Lime Zest – Zesty!
  • Honey – Balances out the tanginess of the fruit and zestiness of the vinegar and lime
homemade strawberry vinaigrette ingredients


The process is simple! Just follow these two easy peasy steps.

Step 1 – Add Ingredients To The Blender Or Food Processor

Put all of your ingredients (except for olive oil) in a blender except olive oil. Mix well until combined.

Tip: You may need to scrape the sides to make sure every fully incorporates when blending.

view from above of ingredients for strawberry vinaigrette in food processor

Step 2 – Add Olive Oil

Once your strawberry mixture is fully mixed, add in your olive oil.

Pro Tip: I like to drizzle the oil slowly while blending to get a creamy texture.

view of the top of the glass jar holding strawberry vinaigrette


Expert Tips And Tricks

Strawberry salad dressing doesn’t just dress up summer salads; it also works great in marinades for meats or vegetables. The bright, fruity flavor can elevate many dishes.

After blending, I always taste the vinaigrette. If it’s too tart, I add a bit more honey. If it’s too sweet, I balance it out with a little more vinegar or a splash of lime juice.

Strawberry Vinaigrette Recipe Variations To Try

  • For a sugar-free version, swap out the honey and replace it with stevia or monk fruit to taste.
  • Substitute avocado oil for olive oil for a lighter option!
  • Balsamic vinegar (instead of apple cider vinegar) adds a deep, lightly sweet note for complexity for a delicious strawberry balsamic vinaigrette. Or try it with white wine vinegar or even red wine vinegar!
  • Use maple syrup or sugar instead of honey
  • Add a small amount of Dijon mustard for both tang and creaminess (1/4 – 1/2 tsp should do the trick)
  • Add dried or fresh herbs. Basil and mint are a lovely complementary flavor (I love both!). Thyme or black pepper add a savory note.
  • For a creamy dressing, you can blend in a tablespoon of mayonnaisesour cream, or Greek yogurt
  • Swap out the lime zest for a splash of lemon juice.
  • Add a teaspoon or two of poppy seeds for a little crunch and texture!
  • If you want a little kick, add a little bit of chopped red onions.
strawberry vinaigrette

Pairing Strawberry Vinaigrette With Salads And Dishes

Strawberry vinaigrette adds a sweet, tangy flavor to various salads and dishes. It’s versatile and can be paired with green salads, protein-centric dishes, and fruit salad combinations.

Green Salad Pairings

I love using strawberry vinaigrette on my salad greens. Leafy greens such as spinach or mixed greens are perfect bases for this dressing. 

Add some thinly sliced red onion and toasted nuts like almonds or pecans for crunch. 

Goat cheese or feta cheese adds a creamy texture that complements the vinaigrette’s sweetness.

Protein-Centric Pairings

Strawberry vinaigrette goes well with protein-rich salads.

I often use it to dress grilled chicken salads. The vinaigrette enhances the smoky flavor of the chicken.

Start with a bed of mixed greens or spinach, then add grilled chicken slices.

The dressing ties everything together, making the salad both nutritious and flavorful!

Fruit Salad Combinations

A strawberry vinaigrette can elevate a fruit salad. Mix fresh fruits like strawberriesblueberriessliced oranges, and apples. The vinaigrette adds a nice tang that balances the sweetness of the fruit.

For added texture and flavor, include:

  • Mint leaves
  • Crumbled goat cheese
  • Toasted sunflower seeds

This combination makes a delightful summer salad that is both vibrant and tasty. It’s a crowd-pleaser for picnics or potlucks!

strawberry vinaigrette

How To Store This Strawberry Vinaigrette Recipe

Use an airtight container to preserve the flavor and quality of your strawberry vinaigrette. I always opt for a mason jar with a tightly sealed lid.

Strawberry vinaigrette can last up to two weeks in the refrigerator when stored properly.

I recommend labeling the container with the date so you can keep track of how long it’s been stored.

Pro Tip: If you notice any changes in odor, color, or texture, it’s best to discard the vinaigrette.

Ways To Serve This Strawberry Vinaigrette Recipe

I love using strawberry vinaigrette for more than just salads because it can add a sweet and tangy flavor to various dishes, making ALL your meals even more exciting!

As a Marinade

Using strawberry vinaigrette as a marinade is fantastic. It works well with chicken, pork, and even seafood. The strawberries add a natural sweetness, while the vinegar tenderizes the meat.

I usually marinate chicken breasts for about 2 hours. This allows the flavors to soak in. For pork chops, I prefer a longer marinating time, around 4 hours, to really get the taste infused. When using it with seafood, like shrimp, a shorter marinating time of about 30 minutes is ideal.

Topping for Appetizers

Strawberry vinaigrette makes a delightful topping for appetizers. It pairs well with bruschetta and crostini. I often drizzle it over a mix of fresh tomatoes and mozzarella on a toasted baguette for a simple yet tasty starter.

Another great idea is to use it on a cheese platter. A light drizzle over soft cheeses like brie or goat cheese can bring out unique flavors. It’s also a nice touch on smoked salmon appetizers.

Enhancing Side Salads

One of my favorite uses for strawberry vinaigrette is on my favorite salad of the day because it adds a refreshing twist to greens. I often toss mixed greens with sliced sweet strawberries, nuts, and a sprinkle of feta cheese before drizzling the vinaigrette on top.

To add more variety, I sometimes include other fruits like blueberries or mandarin oranges. The vinaigrette ties all the flavors together, making the salad more enjoyable. This dressing is also a great way to make simple salads more appealing and perfect for spring and summer meals.

strawberry vinaigrette in a glass pour jar

More Salads You’ll Love!

Pin For Later!

A close-up image of a glass pitcher filled with Strawberry Vinaigrette. In the background, there is a bowl of fresh strawberries, a green lime, and a salad bowl with mixed greens. The scene suggests a fresh and healthy homemade salad dressing.

Strawberry Vinaigrette

Yield: 1/2 pint
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Strawberry vinaigrette is a delicious and refreshing dressing that adds a burst of flavor to any salad and only requires a few simple ingredients you probably already have!


  • 2/3 cup strawberries, chopped
  • 3 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • 2 Tbsp lime juice
  • 1 tsp Lime zest (about 1 large lime)
  • 1/3 Cup Olive oil


  1. Put all of your ingredients in a blender except olive oil. Mix well until combined.
  2. Once your strawberry mixture is fully mixed, slowly add your olive oil and blend again.
  3. Enjoy!

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