The 5 Best Tips to Create a Well-Stocked Gift Closet

Maintaining a well-stocked gift closet in your home allows you to shop anytime you need to for a perfect idea while staying under budget! Follow us on Pinterest for more helpful tips and yummy family recipes!
Maintaining a well-stocked gift closet in your home allows you to shop anytime you need to for a perfect idea while staying under budget! Follow us on Pinterest for more helpful tips and yummy family recipes!




Take just a moment to think about all the occasions where you may give gifts to people throughout the year.

Here are a few ideas to jog your memory:

If you are anything like me, between all my kids, they have gone to approximately 15 birthday parties in the past year. When you think about that just being ONE type of event, that’s a lot of gifts!

And those gifts all cost money!

Is it possible to give generously and still stay within budget?


Don’t get me wrong…I LOVE giving gifts! I give gifts for almost any occasion! But I don’t like paying full price for anything if I can help it.

Through experience, I have learned that with just a little planning and brainstorming I can score way better deals.

I’d much rather take that money savings and apply it towards college funds (I do have 3 kids to pay for, after all) or retirement or even a family vacation.

So in order to give generously but also inexpensively, I have a “gift closet.” If you want to save money and organize your supplies, you’ll want one too.

And honestly, not only does a gift closet help save money (and time, which is hugely valuable), but it also helps in a pinch.

Maintaining a well-stocked gift closet in your home allows you to shop anytime you need to for a perfect idea while staying under budget! Follow us on Pinterest for more helpful tips and yummy family recipes!

Firsthand Experience – Finding Myself in a Gift-giving Bind

I learned this firsthand several years ago.

We had recently moved into a new home. Christmas was just a few days away, it was bitterly cold and snowy, and I had a young baby at home. The perfect storm for not wanting the leave the house, right?

I was still getting to know our new neighbors, and when I went to grab the mail this one day, one of my neighbors happened to be heading back inside from grabbing her mail (it was a community mailbox).

We had very brief chitchat as we passed each other, and she asked me if I was going to be home later so she could bring over a small gift.

Internally, I panicked! I hadn’t even thought to purchase gifts for my neighbors since I didn’t know them very well yet!

Then I remembered my “gift stash” that I had randomly set up on a whim. What had actually happened was I had been in a store and seen a great clearance sale on things like nice candles, toys and crafts for kids, and a few other seemingly random items.

Stumbling Upon A Great Solution

Because they were a screaming deal, I decided to buy a few and put them away in case I needed a few small things for unexpected Christmas gifts or something (I literally thought that!).

It sounds all planned out, but at the time, it really was a random thought or a whim. I had never done anything like that before.

So when I had that experience with my neighbor at Christmastime I was able (and grateful) to be able to run inside and wrap up a nice candle set to give to her, I was forever sold on having a gift closet.

I was recently purchasing a few Christmas gifts while on a trip (I know it’s super early in the year, but it’s one of my top tips for saving huge amounts of money and stress at the holidays).

Searching for these gifts made me think of how far my own gift “stash” (or “bin” or “closet”) has come and how everyone needs their own. It’s super easy to maintain, is convenient, and helps you save a huge amount of money.

When was the last time you spent a crapload of money on a last-minute gift for some occasion?

Moms know all about those last-minute birthday parties and sleepovers, and I have forgotten about a wedding registry or baby shower until the last minute more than once.

I love giving meaningful and practical gifts, but sometimes I don’t have time to make a great gift or bake something.

Then I’m off and running to a store to grab something on the way to the party (plus paying out the wa-zoo for the card, gift bag, and tissue paper to go with it!)

Yep, we’ve all been there. I have been there myself multiple times.

And I hate being in that position because I hate paying full price for stuff!

The beautiful thing is that a well-stocked gift closet solves every. Single. One. Of these. Problems. And it allows you to give a meaningful, beautiful, thoughtful gift without stressing or going over budget!

Here are a few helpful tips for creating a gift closet of your own.




If you are anything like me, you probably already have a calendar (Google calendar, perhaps?) filled with important dates for family and friends—anniversaries, birthdays, etc .

Make a list of all the possible special occasions when you might need a gift. Do you have a relative’s graduation or a friend’s baby showers coming up?

If someone I know is going through a rough time or not feeling well, it’s nice to know I can encourage them with a small gift and card.

Obviously, you don’t have a crystal ball and can’t predict every event for which you will receive an invitation. Last-minute things will happen from time to time (just like my experience with the holiday gift from a neighbor).

To account for that, add a few occasions to your list to cover these “surprise” celebrations—last-minute birthday parties for your kids’ friends, hostess gifts, welcome gifts for new neighbors, housewarming parties or even showers and graduations.

Once you have your list complete, I recommend putting it in a spot where the entire family can see it like the side of the refrigerator or the family command center, or copy it to your phone.

You will want to have this list in a location where it’s easy and convenient to check it frequently!



Many of us already have a stash for gifts in some form.

Before I really created my gift closet in earnest, I had a bin of gifts that I had received which I would likely never use but thought others would really enjoy them (I know some people frown upon it, but I like regifting – I think it’s like recycling!).

Perhaps you just put extra items in a storage area or a cabinet somewhere. Pull them all out and take stock of what you already have on hand.

This is an excellent time to get creative with regards to what makes a great gift!

Gather any and all gifts you have already accumulated. Things like homemade gifts, DIY gifts, antique store finds, flea market vases or baskets, and especially gift cards or Groupon purchases can all be included in your gift closet.

Gift cards can be used as gifts and also used to purchase gifts, if you want.

I am confident that if you put just a little time and thought into it as you gather together possible gifts, you will be surprised by how many great gifts you already have on hand!

Gather things like:

  • DIY food gifts – jars of pickles or jam or any other homemade food item.
  • DIY craft gifts – candles, jewelry, salt scrub
  • Gift cards – Amazon, Target, etc
  • Swagbucks
  • Groupon purchases – ideas include massages, mani/pedis,
  • Pretty bowls or cute kitchen gadgets
  • Unusual vase or basket – fill it will flowers
  • Lotion, hand creams, lip balms
  • Coloring books & crayons or colored pencils
  • Cute journals
  • Craft supplies & back-to-school supplies
  • Great coffee mugs
  • Items you purchased after holidays, on sale, at a garage sale or a thrift store, or on the Amazon “deal of the day”

While I use the term “gift closet”, I really use a couple of large bins with lids. You can use bins, a closet, shelves, unused drawers, a standing pantry or cabinet.

Whatever works for you is fine. I just recommend using something that is clean and dry and you can keep the kids and pets out of. And if your kids are on your list, make sure that the spot you chose is not accessible to them.

The great thing about having a gift closet is you have plenty of time to add extra thought and little inexpensive touches, which add so much more to the gift.

 Maintaining a well-stocked gift closet in your home allows you to shop anytime you need to for a perfect idea while staying under budget! Follow us on Pinterest for more helpful tips and yummy family recipes!


In addition to your gift occasions list, I want you to make two more lists:  a list of all the items you already have on hand and a list of gift ideas.

Feel free to jot down notes on your gift ideas list – your mom loves knick knacks or your nephew is a Youth Large size or your friend is a sucker for anything with an animal on it.

If you pair up gifts you have with recipients/occasions, you may find you already have a great start to your gift giving. Woohoo!

Your gift ideas list will be what you use when you’re out shopping. It’ll help you keep ideas in mind when you run into clearances, store-closing sales, after holiday sales, or at the antique stores.



Part of gift giving is how you present the gift.

You should also inventory all of the gift bags, cards, wrapping, bows, and baskets you have on hand.

To make gift giving even easier, I keep all my gifts and wrapping supplies together.

I keep a large bag of gift bags (both used and new) and ribbons. Yes, I reuse gift bags that I have been given when they are in great condition.

I also have various colors of tissue paper that I purchased at the dollar store and some wrapping paper I found on clearance.

That way I don’t need to purchase those items and can wrap or beautifully present my gift at a time when it’s convenient for you.

Some homemade bread or jam or lip balm is a wonderful, thoughtful gift, but it becomes even more when It’s in an attractive basket with a lovely ribbon.

For gifting a collection of smaller gifts, it’s nice to have baskets, little bins or even a large mug on hand to group items together in a cute and fun way, and to make a more special looking gift.

For instance you could make a spa themed basket, or a coffee and tea themed gift basket. A kitchen themed gift for a bridal shower with cookbooks, measuring cups or spoons, and some pretty dish towels would be nice.

For a child (age appropriate) you could fill a basket or colorful bin with puzzles, play dough, Legos and coloring supplies.

Bundling several small items together to make a larger gift is a nice touch for larger occasions.

Maintaining a well-stocked gift closet in your home allows you to shop anytime you need to for a perfect idea while staying under budget! Follow us on Pinterest for more helpful tips and yummy family recipes!


Once you have taken stock of all the gifts you have on hand, evaluate whether your gift closet is totally stocked.

If it isn’t, start keeping your eyes open for amazing deals. If you keep your mind open with regards to uncommon gift ideas, you can find incredible ideas at garage sales, thrift stores, and antique stores.

Did you know that it’s not uncommon to find items that are brand new and still in their packaging…at a fraction of the price? I have found brand new books, games, puzzles, crafts, building sets and more – for dirt cheap!

Be a savvy shopper and make a habit of regularly checking out the clearance racks. If you are buying gifts for potential events, stick with classic items rather than trendy, dated or items that can expire before you are likely to give them.

Skip cheaply made items and look instead for quality, broadly appealing items.

Being a smart shopper means that you buy classic items after the season or holiday is over (say, after Fall is over or after Christmas) and hold on to them until the following year. They won’t be the current year’s trend, and were super affordable, so they will be perfect!

Take stock of your wrapping supplies. If you are low and don’t find any on clearance that you can use, get creative! You can use newspaper, magazines, craft paper, maps, posters or brown craft paper to wrap your gifts.

If using plain paper, feel free to write or draw on the paper in lieu of ribbon.

Another trick I use is that I once bought a box of plain white paper gift bags on clearance. I use those for gifts for all occasions and have my kids decorate and personalize the bags when we have a gift to give. It’s great!

The Dollar Tree has a great selection of greeting cards! I also have my boys make cards themselves – it’s a great way to have them work on their craft and writing skills J

I also have a whole pile of blank greeting cards that I have found on clearance to use for any occasion gifts!

Maintaining a well-stocked gift closet in your home allows you to shop anytime you need to for a perfect idea while staying under budget! Follow us on Pinterest for more helpful tips and yummy family recipes!

A few of my favorite things to keep on hand in my gift closet are (you can grab the free printable below):

For Women:

  • DIY craft gifts – candles, jewelry, salt scrub, lip balm
  • Gift cards – Amazon, Target, etc
  • Swagbucks
  • Groupon purchases – ideas include massages, mani/pedis,
  • Pretty bowls
  • Unusual vase or basket – fill it will flowers
  • Lotion, hand creams, lip balms
  • Coloring books & crayons or colored pencils
  • Cute journals
  • Craft supplies & back-to-school supplies
  • Coffee mugs with a bag or box of favorite coffee or tea
  • Luxurious hand or body lotions
  • Wonderfully soft throw blankets (especially for someone who’s sick)
  • My favorite inspirational or uplifting book
  • Plushy soft socks
  • Candles
  • Fragrant bubble bath soap or bath salts
  • Crocheted hat or scarf
  • Cookbooks
  • Attractive picture frames
  • Candles
  • Beautiful stationary or note cards
  • Pretty earrings

For Children: (Age appropriate of course)

  • Craft supplies
  • Puzzles
  • Water guns
  • Board games
  • Small games (Farkle, Bananagrams)
  • Card games (Uno, Phase 10, etc)
  • Drawing supplies like colored pencils and sketchbooks
  • Books
  • Fancy hair accessories
  • Spirograph
  • Legos
  • Comic books
  • Hot Wheels cars
  • Stuffed animals
  • Sports trading cards or other themed trading cards (like Pokemon)
  • Watch or bracelet
  • Toys
  • Journals (especially ones with a lock & key)
  • Playdough set

For Men:

  • Music
  • Funny calendar
  • Fancy ball point pen
  • Inspirational or uplifting book
  • Funny book
  • Special key chain
  • Rugged socks
  • Car detailing supplies
  • Hat or gloves
  • Travel coffee cup
  • Stainless steel water bottle
  • T-shirt
  • Baseball cap
  • Sports memorabilia
  • Flashlight or lantern
  • Office supplies
  • Ear buds
  • Kindle
  • Sports equipment
  • Gift card
  • Hobby supplies
  • Tools

Maintaining a well-stocked gift closet in your home allows you to shop anytime you need to for a perfect idea while staying under budget! Follow us on Pinterest for more helpful tips and yummy family recipes!



Maintaining a well-stocked gift closet in your home allows you to shop anytime you need to for a perfect idea while staying under budget! Follow us on Pinterest for more helpful tips and yummy family recipes!

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Being prepared has saved me from making a quick and often expensive trip to the store countless times!

Further, having everything organized and stored all together keeps me from wasting time looking for all of the supplies I need to package my gifts. For me, that brings back the joy of gift giving.

If you’re interested in becoming more organized and saving time and money when it comes to gift giving, I highly recommend finding a spot to set up your own “gift closet” or “gift stash”. With just a bit of planning, you’ll be saving money in no time!

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  1. You made a great point about making sure that you experience a great solution when searching for gifts. My husband and I are looking for a gift store that can help us get gifts for our siblings since they all have birthdays close together. We will keep these tips in mind as we search for a professional that can help us best.

  2. This is so smart, you never know when you will be in a situation like you were with your neighbor. I have a kind of gift bin that I do something similar with, and the. slide it under our bed for storage. Buying things ahead of time is really helpful if you are on a tight budget. Happy gifting!

  3. I have a couple of friends who have a gift closet. I have often thought that I need to do that, or at least a gift card stash! This is a really sweet idea, adding paper for wrapping even! And we can shop for little things all year long and always be prepared.

  4. Such great tips in here! I love gift giving but never thought to have a closet dedicated to it! I think the closest thing I have is a big stash of decorative paper bags in storage which comes in handy 🙂

  5. Thank you for the idea! Now I will be stocking up on a few kids’ toys for the never-ending pile of birthday party invites that my son gets. I feel like every time one arrives I end up scrambling at the last minute to find a kid-friendly, reasonably priced birthday gift.

    1. Yes! I have found this system to be the most helpful with kids birthday gifts…even relatives that live far enough away that we need to mail gifts! Those kid birthday parties ARE never ending!!

  6. This is such a great idea. I don’t know why people feel this way but its true, you feel like “Oh this person got me something so now I have to get something for them. That’s not what gift giving is about but that’s how you feel. We have all been in that situation. So this is a great solution.

    1. Hi Aimee! Yes, I agree that’s not what gift giving is about. But it is often how people feel (me included). I love how versatile this idea is because it doesn’t just apply to those situations but also to birthdays or just because gifts…any occasion where you want to give a gift but not spend a ton of time or money to do it 🙂

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