How To Make Fluffy Almond Milk Pancakes (Dairy-Free!)

Light and fluffy almond milk pancakes are super simple and so delicious that you won’t believe they’re dairy-free! This easy recipe for homemade pancakes will help you make a healthy and filling breakfast from scratch in just minutes.

A stack of Almond Milk Pancakes topped with blueberries, a sliced strawberry, and almond slices on a dark green plate with a fork on the side, positioned on a wooden table.

I adore starting my day with a stack of pancakes, warm off the griddle and lightly crisped on the edges.

But as someone who needs good dairy-free alternatives for certain family members, I’ve worked hard to perfect the art of making fluffy almond milk pancakes that don’t compromise on taste or texture.

Using almond milk not only makes them a delightful dairy-free breakfast option but also adds a subtle nutty flavor that pairs beautifully with a variety of toppings.

If you’re making pancakes for a crowd, these sheet pan pancakes are a game-changer!

You’re seriously going to love this easy pancake recipe!

Benefits Of Dairy-Free Pancakes

I love that dairy-free pancakes, especially the fluffy almond milk kind, can be just as delicious as traditional pancakes, while offering up some sweet benefits.

Health and Nutrition Advantages

Making pancakes dairy-free isn’t just about taking things out; it’s about what we’re putting in. 

  • Calories – Almond milk usually has fewer calories than dairy milk.
  • Vitamins – High in Vitamin E and often fortified with other nutrients.
  • Monosaturated fats – great heart-healthy alternative.

Taste And Texture

What’s cool is that skipping the dairy doesn’t mean skipping the fluff.

  • Fluffiness – Almond milk contributes to a light, airy pancake.
  • Taste – My taste buds can’t even tell the difference.
  • Flavor Profile – Neutral, allowing for flavor versatility.

Environmental and Ethical Considerations

And let’s not forget the bigger picture. Opting for almond milk over dairy can be a nod to the environment, considering the lower carbon footprint of plant-based milk production.

A stack of Almond Milk Pancakes topped with whipped cream, fresh blueberries, a sliced strawberry, and slivered almonds, with a cut wedge on a fork beside it, served on a ceramic plate.

Main Ingredients Breakdown

I’m going to give you the skinny on each main ingredient necessary for making those fluffy almond milk pancakes that everyone loves.

Choosing the Right Almond Milk

The type of almond milk you use can really affect your pancakes.

I recommend going with unsweetened almond milk to avoid any added sugars that can throw off the flavor balance.

If you’re a fan of a subtle vanilla aroma, consider unsweetened vanilla almond milk – it adds a nice touch that compliments the vanilla extract in the batter.

Flour Varieties And Alternatives

Typically, I use all-purpose flour for reliable results because it provides the structure needed for those fluffy pancakes we want. However, this recipe is super versatile!

  • Whole Wheat Flour – It offers a heartier texture and a nuttier flavor.
  • Gluten-Free Flour – A great substitute if you’re avoiding gluten. Make sure the mix includes a binder like xanthan gum.
  • Almond Flour – Having a higher fat content, it makes for a very tender pancake but be wary, as it can be dense, so it might be best when mixed with another type of lighter flour to keep the pancakes airy.

Raising Agents And Texture Promoters

Raising agents like baking powder are non-negotiable because they create that signature rise, making the pancakes light and fluffy.

  • Baking Powder – This is your go-to leavening agent. A teaspoon for every cup of flour is generally a good rule of thumb.

Sweeteners And Flavor Enhancers

Sweeteners add that comforting taste, while flavor enhancers like vanilla extract round out the complexity that turns a bland batter into an aromatic delight.

Here are some great options:

  • Sugar – A classic choice. You can substitute with coconut sugar for a less processed option.
  • Maple Syrup or Honey – These can be added directly to the batter for a nuanced sweetness.
  • Vanilla Extract – This is my secret weapon for a rich backdrop. Usually, a teaspoon is all you need!

Ingredients For Almond Milk Pancakes

Here are the simple items you need to gather:

  • All-purpose flour
  • Almond milk
  • Brown sugar
  • Baking powder
  • Egg
  • Vanilla (optional and delicious)
  • Olive oil (for frying) – vegetable oil, coconut oil, canola oil, and avocado oil all work well

NOTE: Please check out the handy printable recipe card at the bottom of the post for exact measurements and more recipe details!

Ingredients for baking arranged on a marble surface: a bowl of flour, a cup of milk, brown sugar, an egg, baking powder, and olive oil.

How To Make The Best Almond Milk Pancakes

I’ve always loved pancakes, and when I needed to switch to dairy-free, I thought I’d never enjoy them the same way again. Thankfully, I was wrong! Follow these simple steps to enjoy easy almond milk pancakes too!

Step 1 – Mix Dry Ingredients

In a large mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, brown sugar, and baking powder. Mix well until all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Step 2 – Add Wet Ingredients

Create a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add the almond milk and one egg. Mix it together until the batter is smooth and no lumps remain.

A top-down view of a glass bowl containing flour with a cracked egg in the center, set on a marble surface, ready for baking preparation.

Step 3 – Heat Your Pan

Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Add the olive oil and spread it evenly across the surface.

Step 4 – Cook Your Pancakes

Using a measuring cup, pour approximately 1/4 cup of the pancake batter onto the hot pan.

A metal ladle is pouring pancake batter onto a hot, non-stick skillet. The batter is spreading out to form a pancake. Small drops of oil can be seen on the surface.

Cook until bubbles start to form on the surface, then flip the pancake and cook for an additional 1-2 minutes, or until golden brown.

A wooden spatula lifting a partially cooked pancake on a black non-stick pan. The pancake is light golden and still runny on top, indicating it is mid-way through the cooking process.

Repeat the process with the remaining batter, adding more olive oil to the pan as needed.

Step 5 – Serve And Enjoy!

Serve the fluffy almond delight pancakes hot with your favorite toppings such as maple syrup, fresh fruits, almond flakes or a sprinkle of powdered sugar. Enjoy your delicious Fluffy Almond Delight Pancakes!

almond milk pancakes

Cooking Techniques And Tips

  • Medium Heat – Keep the heat at a medium level. Cooking too high will burn the pancakes before they cook through.
  • Non-Stick Pan – A good non-stick surface means less oil and uniform cooking.
  • Bubbles are Key – Look for bubbles on the surface before flipping. They indicate the bottom is cooked.
  • Don’t Overmix – Stir the batter until the ingredients are just combined. Overmixing will lead to dense pancakes.

Expert Tips To Avoid Common Pitfalls

  • Avoiding Burnt Pancakes – Keep an eye on the heat, and adjust if the pan starts smoking or pancakes cook too fast.
  • Batter Consistency – If the batter is too thick, add a tiny bit more almond milk. Too runny? Sprinkle in a bit more flour.
  • Avoiding Clumps – A few small lumps in the batter are okay, but large clumps can result in unevenly cooked pancakes. A gentle whisking should do the trick.
  • The Flip – Wait for the edges to look set and bubbles to form. Flip gently to retain the air that makes them fluffy.

Add-Ins And Toppings

When I make pancakes, I love to jazz them up with a variety of add-ins and toppings so the whole family has something to love!

Fresh Fruit And Berries

Blueberries: I toss a handful of fresh or frozen blueberries into the batter for classic blueberry pancakes. YUM!

Banana: For banana pancakes, I add 1/4 cup of mashed banana into the batter. It brings a lovely sweetness and moisture.

Other Berries: Fresh berries like strawberries or raspberries can be gently folded into the mix or used as a topping.

Sweet And Savory Options

Chocolate Chips – I love to sprinkle in chocolate chips for some indulgence.

Jam or Marmalade – A dollop of jam or marmalade (or even blueberry compote) on top adds a zesty sweet flavor—perfect for tangy contrast. These homemade strawberry preserves are perfect!

Maple Syrup – I always have a bottle of pure maple syrup ready to drizzle on top; it adds that iconic pancake sweetness.

Caramel Sauce or Chocolate Sauce – If you crave a dash of sweetness, you can go wrong with these options!

A stack of Almond Milk Pancakes topped with whipped cream, fresh blueberries, a sliced strawberry, and slivered almonds, with a cut wedge on a fork beside it, served on a ceramic plate.

Nut And Seed Variations

Almond Flour – I sometimes substitute some of the regular flour with almond flour for added nutty flavor and extra protein.

Peanut Butter – A swirl of peanut butter on top of my cooked pancakes gives a creamy and rich taste.

Seeds – Adding a mixture of seeds, such as chia or flaxseeds, can provide a crunchy texture and boost the nutritional value.

Storing and Reheating Pancakes

I love whipping up a batch of fluffy dairy-free almond milk pancakes, and believe it or not, my teenage boys don’t always finish them in one shot.

​How To Store Leftovers

To keep my pancakes fresh, I stack them with a layer of parchment paper between each pancake to prevent sticking. Then, I slip them into a zip-top plastic bag or an airtight container. They’ll stay good in the fridge like this for up to 3 days.

Reheating for Best Quality

When I want to bring back that just-cooked taste, I reheat my pancakes. The best way to achieve this is by popping them into a toaster or an air fryer at 325°F for about 5 minutes. This method helps them to retain their satisfying fluffy texture.

Meal Prep And Make-Ahead Tips

For busy mornings, I make my pancake mix the night before and store it in the fridge. Just be sure to give it a good stir before cooking!

Freezing And Thawing

If I have more pancakes than I can use in a day or two, I freeze them flat on a baking sheet, then transfer them to a freezer bag, separating each pancake with parchment paper.

When I’m ready to eat them, I let them thaw overnight in the fridge or reheat them straight from the freezer.

A stack of Almond Milk Pancakes topped with whipped cream, fresh blueberries, a sliced strawberry, and slivered almonds, with a cut wedge on a fork beside it, served on a ceramic plate.

Alternative Dairy-Free Pancake Variations

Whether you’re vegan or just looking to diversify your breakfast, I’ve got the scoop on making your pancakes suit any dietary need with some creative twists.

Fluffy Vegan Pancakes Options

Being dairy-free doesn’t have to mean missing out on fluffy pancakes. For vegans, I routinely swap out eggs with ingredients like:

  • Banana – It adds natural sweetness and binds the batter.
  • Flaxseed or chia eggs – Mixing ground flaxseed or chia seeds with water creates a gel-like mixture that works wonders for holding the pancakes together.

Gluten-Free And Grain-Free Solutions

Here’s what I often use:

  • Almond flour – Gives a nutty flavor and is high in protein.
  • Coconut flour – It’s highly absorbent, so you’ll need less, making for a light pancake.

Remember: The batter’s consistency may vary, so adjust your liquid accordingly!

Health Considerations and Modifications

When I whip up a batch of dairy-free almond milk pancakes, my focus is on keeping them healthy without skimping on flavor. Here’s how I tweak the recipe to suit various dietary requirements and health goals.

Low-Sugar and Sugar-Free Options

For a low-sugar version, I either reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe or skip it entirely. Sugar substitutes like stevia or erythritol are great because they sweeten without the blood sugar spike, making the pancakes more diabetic-friendly.

  • Stevia: 1 tsp per 1 cup of sugar
  • Erythritol: 1:1 ratio with sugar

High-Protein Pancake Variations

Boosting the protein in pancakes keeps me full for longer. I like adding a scoop of protein powder or replacing some flour with nut butters or ground seeds like flax or chia. These are not only high in protein but also add a nice texture.

  • Protein powder: 1 scoop for every 1 cup of flour
  • Nut butters/Seeds: ¼ cup for every 1 cup of flour

Low-Carb and Keto-Friendly Recipes

To keep the pancakes low-carb and suitable for a keto diet, I swap out regular flour for almond flour. It’s a simple replacement and it enhances the nutty flavor from the almond milk.

  • Almond flour: 1:1 ratio with all-purpose flour

Adaptations for Specific Health Conditions

For those with specific dietary needs or allergies, I always check my ingredients thoroughly. For instance, I’ll use gluten-free baking powder for someone with celiac disease, and ensure that the almond milk and other additives are soy-free if soy is a concern.

  • Gluten-free: Use gluten-free baking powder
  • Soy-free: Check almond milk and other additives for soy content
A stack of Almond Milk Pancakes topped with whipped cream, fresh blueberries, a sliced strawberry, and slivered almonds, with a cut wedge on a fork beside it, served on a ceramic plate.

Almond Milk Pancakes FAQs

When whipping up dairy-free almond milk pancakes, I always aim for that perfect fluffiness. Let’s dive into some FAQs to help you do the same.

How can I make dairy-free pancakes fluffy without using milk?

I find that replacing dairy with almond milk and adding a touch of baking powder gives my pancakes a nice lift. A well-aerated batter is key to achieving the desired fluffiness. If you don’t love almond milk, you could also use coconut milk, oat milk, or soy milk!

What are some tips for getting light and airy pancakes with almond milk?

My top tip is to avoid overmixing the batter, which can develop gluten and lead to dense pancakes. Mix just until the ingredients are combined for the best texture.

Can I still get fluffy pancakes if I use almond milk instead of regular milk?

Absolutely! I use almond milk all the time. Combining a leavening agent like baking powder or baking soda into the recipe helps get fluffier pancakes.

Is it possible to make delicious almond milk pancakes without eggs?

Sure, I’ve made pancakes without eggs by using substitutes like mashed bananas or applesauce. They help bind the batter and add moisture, plus there’s an added bonus of natural sweetness.

A stack of Almond Milk Pancakes topped with blueberries, a sliced strawberry, and almond slices on a dark green plate with a fork on the side, positioned on a wooden table.

More Delicious Breakfast Ideas

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A stack of Almond Milk Pancakes topped with whipped cream, fresh blueberries, a sliced strawberry, and slivered almonds, with a cut wedge on a fork beside it, served on a ceramic plate.

Almond Milk Pancakes

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes

Light and fluffy almond milk pancakes are super simple and so delicious that you won't believe they're dairy-free! A family favorite recipe!


  • 1 ½ cup all-purpose flour
  • ¾ cup almond milk
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (for frying)


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients (all-purpose flour, brown sugar, and baking powder). Mix well.
  2. Create a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add the wet ingredients (almond milk and one egg). Mix it together until the batter is smooth and no lumps remain.
  3. Heat a non-stick frying pan or griddle over medium heat. Add the olive oil and spread it evenly across the surface.
  4. Using a measuring cup, pour approximately 1/4 cup of the pancake batter onto the hot pan. Cook until bubbles start to form on the surface, then flip the pancake and cook for an additional 1-2 minutes, or until golden brown.
  5. Repeat the process with the remaining batter, adding more olive oil to the pan as needed.
  6. Serve the fluffy almond delight pancakes hot with your favorite toppings. Enjoy!

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